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카운터밸런스 밸브 대한민국

For example, cranes, forklifts and even some cars use hydraulic systems to lift and move large loads. Such systems are typically based on liquids — oil being the most common — that flow through various tubes and pipes to exert pressure. This is the pressure that helps to hold the heavy items afloat. But when something heavy is raised upward, the liquid may occasionally cascade downward through the pipes. If this occurs too rapidly, it may result in the hefty winch dropping abruptly. This is where a omm 32 유압 모터 comes in very handy and is critical.

One such critical component in the hydraulic system is a counterbalance valve. It regulates how the fluid flows in the system and prevents heavy things from falling down quickly. Think of it as a trampoline for weights! A valve, a device that can keep the weight in position by exerting force against reverse flow of the fluid. While lifting the mass, the valve essentially gets opened and the liquid flows freely so as to easily lift the object upwards. But as the weight begins to fall back down, the valve closes, providing resistance. This slows the weight from falling and prevents it from slamming into the ground.

Why a Counterbalance Valve is Crucial for Hydraulic Systems

If a counterbalance valve is not present then a hydraulic system could face considerable issues if the weight descends too rapidly. It will not only cause damage to the machine or the vehicle, and that is very costly to fix. Imagine the cost associated with repairing a larger crane if it were to break! And as you can imagine, it can lead to injury if the heavy weight falls on a person. That is why hydraulic systems must have counterbalance valve installed. This has an important role as a safety feature that ensures that both machinery and bystanders are kept safe.

Why choose JinJia counterbalance valve?

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